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MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 18:56
par Dorian
daria a écrit:Je comprend très bien que certains puissent regretter l'absence de Never Let Me Down Again mais j'ajouterai que je me serai également passée de Personal Jesus… Ces morçeaux, on les a ententdu, ré-entendu, vu en dvd maintes et maintes fois… on connait les gestes par cœur… même les réactions du public sont prévisibles. Où est la surprise / magie ?

Je n'ai plus forcément envie d'atttendre 4 ans pour les revoir (et entendre) en concert, et avoir l'impression que c'est le même concert que celui que j'ai vu en 2001 (entre autres).
DM a composé d'autres "tubes" que j'aimerai beaucoup entendre en live… Everything Counts, Strangelove, Barrel of a gun… Nothing…
Ils ont quand même matière à nous étonner d'avantage… ils pourraient prendre plus de risques.

Entièrement d'accord en ce qui concerne Personal Jesus et Never Let Me Down Again. Je reajouterais aussi I Feel You, voire A Question Of Time qui, hormis sur l'Exciter Tour a presque toujours figuré sur 1 setlist depuis 86 (sans oublier la tournée solo de Gahan).

Pas de titres de Exciter ? Ca ne me dérange pas. Ce n'est pas parce que c'est - l'avant - dernier LP (et que en général le groupe reprend pas mal de morcraux tirés des avants derniers LP) qu'il faut se sentir obligé d'y faire figurer certains titres. Le groupe a plusieurs fois sous entendu que Exciter n'était pas (et de loin) un grand album de DM. Et, cela ajouté aux 25 ans de carrière fait qu'il y a bien d'autres titres qui mériteraient d'être joués.

Toutefois et même s'il s'agit d'un "pré show" aux USA, pas de Stripped, de Photographic, de Shake The Disease, d'Everything Counts, de Strangelove, de Things You Said ou Sweetest Perfection (Cf. interview selon laquelle Martin interpréterait 1 titre non joué depuis 15 ans si je ne m'abuse),...
Enjoy The Silence pour terminer, 3 titres acoustiques (avis perso : pas ma tasse de thé du tout, l'ambiance et l'orchestration made in DM étant totalement annihilées), pas de Nothing's Imp. ou de Lilian,... (même s'il est vrai qu'il est impossible de présenter l'album en son entier).

Bref, wait and see, mais au jour d'aujourd'hui, la surprise n'est pas au rendez-vous.

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 19:16
par devotee
Logique ou pas, 8 morçeaux sur 16 de Playing The Angel, c'est trop pour moi

bah, c'est bien la tournée "touring the angel" non ? tu t'attendais à quoi ??

en général la setlist est assez différente de la tournée européenne (plus "commerciale")

euh, depuis quand DM change fondamentalement ses setlists d'un continent à l'autre lors de la meme tournee ?? :bigggrin:

Edited By devotee on 1130606373

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 19:54
par daria
devotee a écrit:bah, c'est bien la tournée "touring the angel" non ? tu t'attendais à quoi ??

Pas la peine d'être agressif, je ne fais qu'exprimer mon sentiment.
Je ne crois pas que pour l'Exciter tour, ils avaient consacré 50% de leur setlist aux morçeaux du dernier album.

Et puis, étant donné que je ne suis pas séduite par leur dernier album, il est clair que j'aimerai avoir moins de morçeaux de Playing The Angel. 6-7 morçeaux sur 17 me semblerait être un bon compromis.
Voilà tout. Surtout qu'ils ont un parquet de très très bons morçeaux en stock.

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 20:26
par devotee
as la peine d'être agressif, je ne fais qu'exprimer mon sentiment.

oups, desole, j'avais oublié le smiley qui allait avec mon msg

Edited By devotee on 1130610429

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 20:40
Ca va pas là, si ils oublient Nothing's Impossible et Lilian !

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 21:05
par eloluseb
LOVE DM a écrit:Ca va pas là, si ils oublient Nothing's Impossible et Lilian !

Je ne suis pas persuadé que Nothing's impossible soit un titre live . Ce morceau est très bien sur CD dans la Hifi du salon mais en concert ce serait plutôt une erreur de casting.
Par contre Lilian peut tres bien faire l'affaire :fletch:
Peut etre sur l'un des trois Bercy ? :zique:

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 21:08
Je pense qu'il faut attendre le prochain concert pour avoir une VRAI (du moins je pense) set list que le concert d'hier soir...

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 21:36
Il faut avoué qu'entre la set list du Roxy lors du lancement de Exiter Tour :
It's off topic, but here is the setlist for the warm up in Roxy for Exciter Tour.
Dream On (acoustic intro)
Walking in My Shoes
When the Body Speaks
Dream On
Enjoy the Silence
I Feel You
In Your Room
I Feel Loved
The Bottom Line (acoustic)
Personal Jesus

Il y a avait par tous les morceaux qui figurent en autres sur le One Night In Paris, alors espèrons lors de la prochaine tournée des morceaux d'Exiter...

MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2005, 22:41
par aquamusic
Qqn sait si il y a déjà un bootleg disponible ??? Un peut tôt je sais :bigggrin:

Sinon qqn sait ce qui se passe avec le hub direct connect de depeche mode ? Il a changé ?


MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 00:47
par Dorian
Une chose est frappante (quoique pas d'une importance fondamentale) c'est le conservatisme manifeste quant au choix des costumes Live de Dave. Dommage.

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 01:04
par God is laughing
Vu sur le site EW3, revue d'un des fan chanceux ( windscreen) qui a pu assister au concert de Manathan.

Intro was a confusing one. There were actually almost 3 intros. House lights went down and electronic beats kicked in. 20 seconds, 30, 40...intro fades into *another* set of electronic beats. About 15-20 seconds of this and then it fades out. Stage crew was standing there looking (to me, at least) like, "where the hell are they?' THIRD set of electronic beats kick in. None of them were Introspectre. And I was confused enough not to know exactly what it was since there seemed to either be a glitch and they came on late, or perhaps the house lights went down too soon? I guess we'll know more after Ft. Laud (assuming it happens - haven't checked to see what's up with that one today). It wasn't immediately familiar to me, whatever it was. Sounded more like Mart's hand-picked (I can only assume) minimal electronic tunes that were mixed and playing for the nearly 2 hours before they took the stage.

Christian and Peter take the stage, then out walk Fletch, Martin and then finally Dave. I think there's a pic in this thread of the rooster/mohawky black wig Mart was wearing. No idea if this was Halloween-related, or if it'll be the new feather boa of Touring The Angel. Either way, it's funny and shows a sense of humor that doesn't often come out with Mart on stage, IMO. At least at this show, Martin was to the left of Dave (is that stage right? I think so...) and Fletch was to Dave's right (again, I think that's stage left?).

A Pain That I'm Used To opens. Great, as anticipated, live. The crowd goes WILD. And much to my surprise, the crowd KNOWS the song well. I was a little concerned about the knowledge of the album by the folks in attendence, but at least where I was standing - appx 3rd person back dead center, the front of the house knew their shit. This version didn't deviate from the album track greatly. I was a little caught up juggling phone/camera/blackberry, so there may have been a short piece before the wailing sirens. Perhaps someone else can confirm/deny.

Behind The Wheel, I was standing in front of winners from Belgium, Montreal and Detroit, and there was a KROQ winner in front of me. Cool, but just goes to show you what a lame ass job Reprise did of promoting the *New York* warmup gig in *New York*. Argh.

John the Revelator simply kicked ass. It was a total call-and-response performance, and for once, I'm not annoyed at Dave asking us to sing through the whole song. The crowd gave it right back to him, just like the faithful congregation we were. The version appeared a bit slower and the pitch a hair lower than the album, but otherwise, not different than the album version.

Hints of A Question Of Time with the percussion kicking in for the first 10 seconds or so. Slowly hear the crowd around you catch on with every new audio clue of what it was. And the crowd goes wild. Dave looks thrilled. The version is great. Definitely amped up, but not as "rock" as Paper Monsters, by any means.

Policy of Truth - similarly, the beats kick in and the fanatics know immediately what they're in for...then the casual fans (read: the ones that have a life outside of DM fan sites, poussin) pick up on it as the syths kick in. Although I'm not a massive fan of this track generally, I will say that it was a nice surprise.

Nice intro to Precious. Could have been where I was standing since I was hearing a lot of it through the monitors, not the full PA, but definitely a different intro than on the album. Other than that, not vastly different from the single track. Martin's guitar chops really shine on this one. Surprisingly, similar to the reaction in the poll here on EW3 on favorite Playing The Angel tracks and the Precious response, the crowd doesn't go nearly as wild as I'd expected with this one...

Dave loves his Walking In My Shoes, and it showed. Crowd loved it. Christian shines on this again.

Suffer Well again wasn't vastly different from the album, but Dave clearly relishes his tracks. He loved it. Seemed to be having the time of his life seeing the crowd go wild with this track! He really delivers the chorus hard, which I hope won't be too difficult on his vocal chords. Not that the delivery was jarring. He did a great job.

Dave thanks the crowd and leaves the stage for Mart to take over. Damaged People. Mart's playing with his Ace Frehley-esque starshaped guitar. My fears of there being overwhelming vibrato live as well were definitely assuaged. He did a bang up job with Damaged People. I wasn't thrilled to see this, but it was great. Just goes to show you that he's a great performer whatever the material.

The first half of Home live was more similar to the Air Around the Golf mix before catching back up with the track as we know it from the album. Mart switched to the more standard guitar. (See pics on other pages) Crowd response was great.

Dave comes back out to begin I Want it All. Again, Dave clearly loves his tracks. This one got the least amount of crowd response, IMO. And Dave was making odd contortions on his face during it. Not really sure what this was about. More of a chance for the musicians to show their stuff on this one, though. Mart's harmony on this was great.

Perhaps the biggest highlight for me of the show was actually The Sinner in Me. The track is great live and Martin and Dave both seem to have a blast with it. The point in the song where the song fades into static and then the guitar kicks in blew my mind more than hearing it on the album does (and it does). Martin, again with the starshaped guitar, WAILS on the guitar. He just goes MENTAL. Any critics who continue to dismiss them as 'just' a synth band should be put in their place by this one alone!

Familiar tick tock intro of I Feel You. Gotta say I was a little disappointed to see this make the list, but Dave clearly loves it live. And he's good at it. Not significantly different than in other tours.

Some in the crowd seemed not to have picked up that Behind the Wheel was next until the familiar synth line washed in over the bass sounds. I think because it was relatively unexpected. It was great to hear this live again. Just good solid stuff. A very slight rock edge to it live this time. (Don't take that too strongly - just a factor of the musicians and instruments they have playing on it.)

World In My Eyes - Sounded really good. Always great to hear the crowd go apeshit for Violator hits. Dave gyrations aplenty for the ladies.

Personal Jesus rounded out the set with a version not entirely different from other tours. (Gotta be honest - I don't study the variances between tour performances so someone else will have to do that here or after Ft. Laud). Crowd of course went wild.

After a short break, the band come back on to start Enjoy the Silence. Wasn't vastly different than on Exciter, as I recall. Dave, please let us sing a chorus or two - not all of them. I was a little surprised at how similar this was to other tours given the hints out there about a vastly different arrangement. Luckily, it was not Shinoda-ized! But hey, it's always good to hear this live and last night was no exception.

Following the song, Mart, Fletch, Peter and Christian all joined Dave at the front of the stage for a group bow. Genuinely happy with the performance, as well they should be.

I'm curious to see how any of these performances might be shaken up, if at all, though I am sure as history has proven, not greatly. Will be amazing to see them with full lights and stage sets! Can't wait!!!

Edited By "God is laughing" on 1130658612

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 02:14
par Bliss69
Moi perso je crois que si Never Let Me Down Again ne fais partie de la set list je le sentirais frustrée!!! C'est pour moi un peu comme un hymne en terme de concert , un moment de communion & je serais triste qu'elle ni soit pas. Je comprends que certains souhaitent d'autres morceaux & une set list plus audacieuse, je suis ok avec ça MAIS pas touche à Never Let Me Down Again!!! C'est un si beau & si magique moment entre nous & eux c'est ... Ah non jamais sans Never Let Me Down Again :rock:

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 08:56
par leguman
Pas d inquietude a avoir , beaucoup de morceaux n avaient pas etés joués au Roxy pour le warm up de l exciter tour ( dead of night , waiting for the night , freelove, it s no good , black celebration , never let me down....) , et se sont retrouvés qques jours plus tard dans la setlist quotidienne de la tourneé .....inutile de speculer et de flipper avant le 1er concert du 2 novembre ! ;)

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 09:22
par God is laughing
En se basant sur la théorie Modienne que tous les singles d'un nouvel album sont joués en live , on peut en conclure que ni Lilian et Nothing's impossible seront dans les bacs.
Il reste john the revelator ,suffer well ,damaged people ,i want it all et the sinner in me , a mon avis les deux premiers seront le single 3 et 4.

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 11:33
par StrangeDisease
DorianSOFAD101 a écrit:Une chose est frappante (quoique pas d'une importance fondamentale) c'est le conservatisme manifeste quant au choix des costumes Live de Dave. Dommage.

Je pense que dans ce genre de situation, il apprécie certainement d'être à l'aise dans des choses qu'il a coutume de porter. Pas évident d'être à l'aise dans de nouvelles fringues... C'est bien connu que, d'une manière générale, on est plus à l'aise dans des vêtements usagés plutôt que dans des trucs neufs.

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 11:39
par julechris
EN tous cas pour en revenir à Lillian, j'ai l'impression qu'elle va nous passer sous le nez comme I feel loved sur Exciter, c'est dommage, je trouve! Mais bon attendons!

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 11:48
par Anouche
Ce lien est une mine d'or !!!

Superbes photos et vidéos !!!


Autres pics :




Edited By Anouche on 1130838974

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 13:31
par joropaz
il ya même des vidéos, le son est pourrave mais ça donne pas mal :rock:

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 13:50
par stephen.mode
tu as raison ce site est une vrai mine d'or :o merci beaucoup Anouche pour le lien :respect: ;)

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 14:26
par mart1n
"God is laughing" a écrit:En se basant sur la théorie Modienne que tous les singles d'un nouvel album sont joués en live , on peut en conclure que ni Lilian et Nothing's impossible seront dans les bacs.
Il reste john the revelator ,suffer well ,damaged people ,i want it all et the sinner in me , a mon avis les deux premiers seront le single 3 et 4.

Tous, sauf I feel Loved... ;)