Recherche Strike

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 07 Mai 2017, 22:35

hummm nice
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 07 Mai 2017, 23:23

ok thanks a lot
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar mczgdn » 07 Mai 2017, 23:39

the remix album '95 and the remix album 2002 '02 are bootlegs with official versions from maxi singles or promo so... i suppose you have those remixes. I will give you a link to cd covers of those bootlegs so you can collect by yourself. Any problems... let me know :)

the remix collection '16 : link will be soon on DMdescargas ;)

The Mute Records Soundarchive (track 1 and 6 are not DM tracks so i dont have it. If someone have please let me know)!jw4yCTAK!2S68cY1ti9qh65RJt8nvLg

Another Sort Of Bootleg!DtARVDZY!He9kkLrt6tGHi4_Abx6ccg

Rest will be soon :)
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Inscription: 25 Sep 2013, 21:44
Localisation: Gdynia (Poland)

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 08 Mai 2017, 00:11

it s your FB page?
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar mczgdn » 08 Mai 2017, 08:10

No this is my friend from Spain profile. I'm only try to help him with the remix bootlegs. ;)
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Messages: 112
Inscription: 25 Sep 2013, 21:44
Localisation: Gdynia (Poland)

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 09 Mai 2017, 00:25

great job ty!!!!
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar mczgdn » 09 Mai 2017, 19:21

dm Inside Remix Special - 20 Years Delle 101 (2005)!Kg5WjT6a!Kvr8Ks0lE-WuyfarPhp-zA

dm Inside Remix Special - A Decade Of DM707 (2006)!DxoDEIQS!8L46cFYdAgBDvCtMgBNmPA

dm Apologize Eight - The Live Collection (2002)!q0ZyDKQQ!zHCyUt_r7p4AgUoeVJ4xcw

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Messages: 112
Inscription: 25 Sep 2013, 21:44
Localisation: Gdynia (Poland)

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 09 Mai 2017, 22:16

Nice thanks
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar macro » 11 Mai 2017, 12:11

Bonjour, je suis à la recherche des special strikes manquant à ma collection : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-23-27-28-36-40-44. Si quelqu'un peut répondre à mes souhaits.
j'aurai une deuxième requête qui concerne une recherche qui commence à dater, il s'agit de l'album ultra remix avec les couleurs de pochette inversées par rapport à l'album officiel. Je l'avais offert à mon frère qui est lui aussi un grand fan, mais il n'a pas trouvé mieux que de le pommer dans une soirée un peu trop arrosée. Les remix qui le compose sont parmi les meilleurs jamais entendu. Si quelqu'un m'entends....un ENORME merci d'avance
Messages: 2
Inscription: 11 Mai 2017, 11:04

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 13 Mai 2017, 21:57

mczgdn a écrit:No this is my friend from Spain profile. I'm only try to help him with the remix bootlegs. ;)

Hi if you can a long list:
a grey city under an orange sky 01 '00
a grey city under an orange sky 02:level two '00
a grey city under an orange sky 03:third dimension '00
a grey city under an orange sky 04:are people people? '00
a grey city under an orange sky 05:studio dubs '01
a grey city under an orange sky 06:get connected '01
a grey city under an orange sky 07:connection time again'01
a grey city under an orange sky 08:hits from above '01
a grey city under an orange sky 09 '01
a grey city under an orange sky 10:we are coming back...'01
a grey city under an orange sky 11:free love '01
a grey city under an orange sky 12:white light '01
a grey city under an orange sky 13:13 '01
a grey city under an orange sky 14:get up move down '01
a grey city under an orange sky 15:the damage is done '01
a grey city under an orange sky 16:making history '02
a grey city under an orange sky 17:out of control '02
a grey city under an orange sky 18:shining night '02
a grey city under an orange sky 19:party for a living '02
a grey city under an orange sky 20:inside your heaven '02
a grey city under an orange sky 21:people are everything'02
a grey city under an orange sky 22:oberekorn '02
a grey city under an orange sky 23:black day '02
a grey city under an orange sky 24:dirt '02
a grey city under an orange sky 25:feel the mode '02
a grey city under an orange sky 26:black halo '02
a grey city under an orange sky 27:personal '03
a grey city under an orange sky 28:close enough? '03
a grey city under an orange sky 29:painkiller '03
a grey city under an orange sky 30:heaven can wait part1'03
a grey city under an orange sky 31:heaven can wait part2'03
a grey city under an orange sky 32:your favourite slave '03
a grey city under an orange sky 33:subtile chains '03
a grey city under an orange sky 34:to faithfully pursue '03
a grey city under an orange sky 35:learnt to expect '03
a grey city under an orange sky 36:different creeds '03
a grey city under an orange sky 37:that all hope is gone'03
a grey city under an orange sky 38:get your kicks '03
a grey city under an orange sky 39:breathe love '04

gold remixes '95
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 1 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 2 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 3 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 4 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 5 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 6 '99
gold remixes 1998-1999 cd 7 '99

playing the mode vol.01 '11
playing the mode vol.02 '11
playing the mode vol.03 '11
playing the mode vol.04 '11
playing the mode vol.05 '11
playing the mode vol.06 '11
playing the mode vol.07 '11
playing the mode vol.08 '11
playing the mode vol.09 '11
playing the mode vol.10 '11
playing the mode vol.11 '11
playing the mode vol.12 '11
playing the mode vol.13 '11
playing the mode vol.14 '11
playing the mode vol.15 '11
playing the mode vol.16 '11
playing the mode vol.17 '11
playing the mode vol.18 '11
playing the mode vol.19 '11
playing the mode vol.20 '11

rare remixes volume 01 '--
rare remixes volume 02 '--
rare remixes volume 03 '--
rare remixes volume 04 '--
rare remixes volume 05 '--
rare remixes volume 06 '--
rare remixes volume 07 '--
rare remixes volume 08 '--
rare remixes volume 09 '--
rare remixes volume 10 '--
rare remixes volume 11 '--
rare remixes volume 12 '--
rare remixes volume 13 '--

the remix collection '16
the remix masters series-speak & spell '11
the remix masters series-a broken frame '11
the remix masters series-construction time again'11
the remix masters series-people are people '11
the remix masters series-some great reward '11
the remix masters series-black celebration '11
the remix masters series-music for the masses '11
the remix masters series-violator '11
the remix masters series-sofad '11
the remix masters series-ultra '11
the remix masters series-exciter '11
the remix masters series-playing the angel '11
the remix masters series-sotu '11

Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar mczgdn » 14 Mai 2017, 14:03


But next week my friend :)

the remix collection '16
the remix masters series-speak & spell '11
the remix masters series-a broken frame '11
the remix masters series-construction time again'11
the remix masters series-people are people '11
the remix masters series-some great reward '11
the remix masters series-black celebration '11
the remix masters series-music for the masses '11
the remix masters series-violator '11
the remix masters series-sofad '11
the remix masters series-ultra '11
the remix masters series-exciter '11
the remix masters series-playing the angel '11
the remix masters series-sotu '11

For this link is here ;)
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Messages: 112
Inscription: 25 Sep 2013, 21:44
Localisation: Gdynia (Poland)

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar macro » 14 Mai 2017, 14:19

Hello, I am in search of special strikes being lacking in my collection: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-23-27-28-36-40-44. If somebody can answer my wishes.
I shall have the second request which concerns a search(research) which begins to date, it is about the album ultra remix with the colors of dress handkerchief inverted with regard to(compared with) the official album. I had offered him(it) to my brother who is too a big fan, but he did not find better than of him(it) pommer in an a little too much watered(sprayed) evening. The remix which(who) makes up(composes) him(it) is among the best never heard(understood). If somebody hear(understand) me an ENORMOUS thank you in advance.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 11 Mai 2017, 11:04

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar dream__mode101 » 17 Mai 2017, 21:33

ok no soucis
Paris Stade de France,1er Juillet 2017-Bloc(S16)
Messages: 26
Inscription: 18 Avr 2017, 21:59

Re: Recherche Strike

Messagepar STUMM101 » 03 Juin 2017, 23:54


macro a écrit:Hello, I am in search of special strikes being lacking in my collection: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

Je suis également preneur de ceux-là pour cause de disque dur qui m'a lâchement planté :(

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Ultra Rare Trax Vol 1 to 8

Messagepar Horakhty » 27 Fév 2019, 23:37

Ultra Rare Trax Vol 1 to 8
The link is dead.

Would you mind uploading the content again ?

Thanks in advance... :D
Messages: 1
Inscription: 27 Fév 2019, 23:31


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