(Livre) Sound : Alan Wilder - Stanley Wilder

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(Livre) Sound : Alan Wilder - Stanley Wilder

Messagepar exJCiter » 20 Aoû 2023, 15:07

Un nouveau livre d'une cinquantaine de pages... qui ne va à piori jamais sortir. Alan Wilder par son fils. Il s'agit en fait de son projet de fin d'étude, dans le graphisme.

This was my final university project and it is definitely my favourite. As the name suggests, it is unique just to me. I chose the subject to research as well as the form of the outcome.

I decided that I wanted to make a book as my final outcome and I chose to make it about my father, musician and former member of Depeche Mode - Alan Wilder.

This project involved everything from gathering and writing research to designing every single book page and element. I also had to communicate a lot with the client and receive feedback to see what works and what didn't. I ended up making a number of physical prototypes too.

I was very happy with the final product and the exhibition that followed can be seen on my Instagram page!

A consulter là : https://standukewilder.wixsite.com/stan ... nd-mirrors
et là : https://www.instagram.com/wilder_art21/

il a aussi créé une playlist.
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Inscription: 04 Oct 2001, 20:06

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