Les photos les plus "strange" de depeche mode

They talk and they talk. Discussions autour d'un titre ou d'un album, en studio ou en live.

Messagepar kargui » 11 Fév 2006, 10:47

je sias pas si on voit bien martin

Attachment: http://www.frenchviolation.com/board_ht ... smart.jpeg
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar angeltatoo » 11 Fév 2006, 14:25

daveforever a écrit:
angeltatoo a écrit:A moi, à moi :langue: :


qu'il est mimi!!!!!!!!

A ton avis il a l'air surpris ou bien il fait l'idiot?

il fait l'idiot comme il sait si bien le faire !!!!
So lovely :inlove:

Edited By angeltatoo on 1139660765
"And the spirit of love - is rising within me - talking to you now - telling it clearly - the fire still burns - [...] - whatever you do now - the world still turns - You've got to give the love"
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Messages: 997
Inscription: 14 Mar 2004, 17:50
Localisation: Grenoble

Messagepar jmsmirnoffice » 11 Fév 2006, 14:44

Dave au mcdo!!
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Messages: 7715
Inscription: 14 Sep 2003, 20:29
Localisation: Rueil Malmaison

Messagepar kargui » 11 Fév 2006, 16:39

... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar kargui » 11 Fév 2006, 16:42

j'en mets plusieurs d'affilées car je ne sais pas comment les aligner toutes dans un m^me message...

Attachment: http://www.frenchviolation.com/board_ht ... rt16s.jpeg
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 20:41

Grrrr!! moi jalouse non!!!!!

Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 20:44

Sacré Dave!!!
Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 20:46

Une dernière pour la route , tout récente .


MJ a bien changer!! :bigggrin:

Dave voyons!!!
Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar LaurentM » 11 Fév 2006, 21:04

Comme quoi MJ a toujours de l'influence... Meme là ou ne s'y attend pas ! :bigggrin:

Edited By LaurentM on 1139684680
"A l'impossible on est tenu"
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Messages: 1202
Inscription: 26 Oct 2001, 21:34

Messagepar kargui » 11 Fév 2006, 22:42

une amie m'a transmis ce cliché martin: dur !!!dur!!!

Attachment: http://www.frenchviolation.com/board_ht ... hippy.jpeg
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar angeltatoo » 11 Fév 2006, 22:47

même que j'ai l'autre côté !!!


Edited By angeltatoo on 1139691023
"And the spirit of love - is rising within me - talking to you now - telling it clearly - the fire still burns - [...] - whatever you do now - the world still turns - You've got to give the love"
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Messages: 997
Inscription: 14 Mar 2004, 17:50
Localisation: Grenoble

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 22:58

Une petite série:

Chaines et cuirs


A la vôtre !!!

Mon déhancher fait fureur!!!

On va tout péter !!Image

:wow: Mais que vois-je !!! Je savais qu'entre deux y'avait quelque chose :bigggrin:
Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 23:04

J'en peux plus !! et dire que je dois me taper ça tous les soirs.

Après l'effort le réconfort

C'est quoi cette tronche Fletch!!! :kewl:

Voiture multifonction et multiplace

Faute de moyen et de place !!

Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar kargui » 11 Fév 2006, 23:07

excellent ! +les p'tit comments... je n'ai pas encore trouvé le truc pour joindre plusieurs photos donc une de plus je distille le stock petit à petit

Attachment: http://www.frenchviolation.com/board_ht ... 00032.jpeg
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 11 Fév 2006, 23:15

Dernière serie pour ce soir.

"Je suis le plus heureux des hommes"

Fumer est dangereux pour la santé !!
Mais nous ,nous sommes immunisés !!:kewl:

"Tu veux te battre" :colere:
Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar kargui » 12 Fév 2006, 10:32

completement hilarant j'ai eu des extraits, je comprend mieux le sens..

Attachment: http://www.frenchviolation.com/board_ht ... n_001.jpeg
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
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Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58

Messagepar LaurentM » 12 Fév 2006, 11:07

Mort de rire, mais d'ou sors tu ce "roman photos" Purple Girl ?
"A l'impossible on est tenu"
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Messages: 1202
Inscription: 26 Oct 2001, 21:34

Messagepar Annélie The Darkest Star » 12 Fév 2006, 13:00

LaurentM a écrit:Mort de rire, mais d'ou sors tu ce "roman photos" Purple Girl ?

J'allais poser la même question.
C'est bigremment délirant :bigggrin:
Stay as you are the darkest star
Shinning for me
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Annélie The Darkest Star
Messages: 489
Inscription: 04 Déc 2005, 18:38

Messagepar jmsmirnoffice » 12 Fév 2006, 13:05

C'est énorme!! Image Image
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Messages: 7715
Inscription: 14 Sep 2003, 20:29
Localisation: Rueil Malmaison

Messagepar kargui » 12 Fév 2006, 14:54

c'est vraiment excellent!!!
je ne pensais pas qu'avec cette petite idée de post j' arriverais à obtenir des trucs aussi délirant des fans de DM..

en tout cas, ta trouvaille a bien fait rire mon mari ...

génial il faut continuer à trouver des perles de ce genre...
merci !!!!! :langue: :langue:
... hanging on your words,
living on your breath,
feeling with your skin....

I tend to like songs that are very emotional, that strike a chord with me emotionally.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Lee Gore
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages: 760
Inscription: 03 Fév 2006, 17:58


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