1981-11-07 - Polytechnic, Sheffield, England, UK

1980 Tour - 1981 Tour - See You Tour - Broken Frame Tour - Construction Time Again Tour - Some Great Reward Tour

1981-11-07 - Polytechnic, Sheffield, England, UK

Messagepar DELTA FORCE 70 » 08 Mai 2024, 13:27

DF70 : Dispo sur le wiki : https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/1981-11-07_Pol ... K/Source_1
Depeche Mode - 1981-11-07 - Polytechnic, Sheffield, England, UK (AUD - finally speed-corrected)
Lineage: unknown taper and equipment -> unknown transfer -> CD-R -> Exact Audio Copy 1.0 beta 3 (good settings, but not optimal)
-> FLAC -> in Audacity: speed correction, remove microgaps, click removal, normalization and DC offset removal, stereo channel phase alignment, track splits -> FLAC level 8
auCDtectTaskManager log included

Notes: A decent audience recording. This audio has needed speed correction for a long time and it's now approximately correct,
enough to enjoy the listen well enough anyway. This recording has moderate hiss, a low-level hum, volume fluctuations, wow & flutter, you name it, it's got it...
I suspect the source tape was transferred on inferior equipment, which makes it sound worse than it should be. "Tora! Tora! Tora!" is missing the last few seconds,
and "Boys Say Go!" is missing entirely, most likely due to a tape flip. A bit of the middle of "Just Can't Get Enough" is also missing.
There is a weird drawn-out fade between "Dreaming Of Me" and "The Price Of Love", but fortunately it occurs during the encore break so no music is lost.
If anybody has a copy of this audio on cassette, please reach out, as a proper transfer should yield an improvement in sound quality.
Track list:
01. [3:16] Any Second Now
02. [3:28] Photographic
03. [3:06] Nodisco
04. [4:05] New Life
05. [3:23] Puppets
06. [3:49] Ice Machine
07. [4:04] Big Muff
08. [2:18] I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead
09. [2:51] Tora! Tora! Tora!
10. [3:41] Just Can't Get Enough
11. [4:14] What's Your Name?
12. [4:52] Television Set
13. [5:12] Dreaming Of Me
14. [3:36] The Price Of Love
Total time: 51:55
DELTAFORCE70 ForTheMasses - https://soundcloud.com/deltaforce70
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