2007-10-2x - Dave Gahan - AOL Studios, NY, USA

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2007-10-2x - Dave Gahan - AOL Studios, NY, USA

Messagepar DELTA FORCE 70 » 30 Nov 2024, 15:19

DF70 : Dispo sur le Wiki et sur Dime : https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/2007-10-2x_Int ... A/Source_2
Ligushka notes : Excellente qualité audio sans perte des performances de 7 chansons aux studios AOL à New York,
qui ont été enregistrées la semaine du 22 octobre 2007, puis téléchargées le 15 novembre sur Spinner.com (qui est aujourd'hui disparu).
Il s'agit d'une amélioration fantastique en termes de qualité par rapport aux fichiers MP3 96 kbps précédemment disponibles.
Un grand merci à Mike pour le partage de cet audio sans perte.
'Endless' et 'Miracles' ont une intro supplémentaire au début de la chanson qui n'est pas entendu sur les versions vidéo.
Pour 'Endless', Dave présente la chanson et environ 15 secondes d'audio d'introduction sont entendues.
Pour 'Miracles', Dave commence par dire 'd'accord, alors nous allons réessayer Miracles'.
Dave Gahan - 2007-10-2x - Interface, Spinner.com, AOL Studios, New York, NY, USA
Lineage: AOL Studios CD-R -> ripped with dBpoweramp R2024-09-30 -> WAV -> FLAC level 8
dBpoweramp rip log, scans of CD-R, and auCDtectTaskManager log included
Notes : Excellent quality lossless audio of performances of 7 songs at AOL Studios in New York that were recorded the week of October 22nd in 2007,
then uploaded on November 15th to Spinner.com (which is now defunct).
This is a fantastic upgrade in quality compared to the previously available 96kbps MP3 files. Many thanks to Mike for sharing this lossless audio.
"Endless" and "Miracles" have some additional audio at the start of the song which is not heard on the video versions. For "Endless",
Dave introduces the song, and about 15 seconds of intro audio is heard. For "Miracles", Dave starts out saying "alright, so, we'll have another go at Miracles".
The running order of the songs on the CD-R is in alphabetical order, but the order has been adjusted to match what was listed on the Spinner.com website.
This running order makes more sense since Dave introduces himself and his band, "The Jupiters", at the beginning of "Saw Something".
The Spinner.com article for this performance can be found on the Internet Archive:
https://web.archive.org/web/20081119073 ... er-studio/
The original FLV videos from Spinner.com, which have been upgraded to use this lossless audio, can be found at Source 1:
https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/2007-10-2x_Int ... A/Source_1
An interview with Dave following this performance is also available to watch here:
https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/2007-10-2x_Int ... k,_NY,_USA
Track list:
01. [5:29] Saw Something
02. [4:44] Kingdom
03. [4:24] Deeper And Deeper
04. [4:54] Use You
05. [5:49] Endless
06. [5:00] A Little Lie
07. [3:42] Miracles
Total time: 34:04
Fichiers joints
Dave Gahan - 2007-10-2x.jpg
Dave Gahan - 2007-10-2x.jpg (14.3 Kio) Vu 1758 fois
DELTAFORCE70 ForTheMasses - https://soundcloud.com/deltaforce70
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