2006-07-01 - Eurockeennes Festival, Belfort, France

The Singles Tour - The Exciter Tour - A Night With M.L. Gore - Paper Monsters Tour - Touring The Angel

2006-07-01 - Eurockeennes Festival, Belfort, France

Messagepar DELTA FORCE 70 » 06 Fév 2023, 01:33

DF70 : Un nouveau boot audience qui a fait surface sur Dime et qui ne figure pas sur le Wiki.
https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/2006-07-01_Eur ... rt,_France
Capturé environ à 30 mètres à gauche de la scène, le son est bon, mais un peu lointain quand même.
Depeche Mode - 2006-07-01 - Eurockeennes Festival, Belfort, France
Source: Audience
> Stereo Cardio Mic: MMHLSC-1 > MM-Mint Box - 69htz (Line Input) > HIMD-mzrh10 (PCM)
Lineage: Himd Track&Split > Hd > Wav > NeroWav Edit&Normalisation > TLH Flac level6
The Setlist is what is appeared to be on the Depeche mode Web Site....
I am not sure of the right tracking, as i've 19 tracks with the intro...!
Taped & Transferred by Liquidsky
Location: around 30 meters in front of the Left stack
Le lien : https://mega.nz/file/0TNCVAzJ#u_jf5iERJ ... ks91zQ6Aaw
Setlist :
02-A Pain That I'm Used To
03-A Question Of Time
04-Suffer Well
06-Walking In My Shoes
09-In Your Room
10-Nothing's Impossible
11-I Feel You
12-Behind The Wheel
13-World In My Eyes
14-Personal Jesus
16-Enjoy The Silence
18-Shake The Disease
20-Never Let Me Down Again ( Cut, tape ran out )
Total Time: 93:04mm
Fichiers joints
DM - 2006-07-01.jpg
DM - 2006-07-01.jpg (64.22 Kio) Vu 10091 fois
DELTAFORCE70 ForTheMasses - https://soundcloud.com/deltaforce70
"La musique nous rend plus forts".
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