Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved (Peter Rauhofer Remix)

Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved (Peter Rauhofer Remix)

Messagepar exJCiter » 17 Juil 2024, 22:41

Cela me semble être un remix non retenu, contrairement à son remix de Wrong ( J'ignore s'il est dejà connu ici, n'étant pas un spécialiste des remixs.

Real Name: Peter Rauhofer
Born: April 29, 1965
Died: May 7, 2013

Austrian House producer, remixer and DJ. Peter was born in Wien (Vienna) and mainly lived in New York City. Peter first got his start as an A&R man for GIG Records. Since his first recording under his well known alias, Club 69, Peter had come to be one of the most in-demand remixers of the late 90's/2000's. His style shifted from a house/tribal vibe to a more tribal/progressive feel with his later mixes. There wasn't a time in the late 1990s when one would go to a US club to hear many of his mixes playing through the speakers. Peter has also recorded material under the aliases, Saxmachine, Danube Dance, House Heroes and Size Queen. Peter once worked with Victor Calderone for The Collaboration project and once with the Pet Shop Boys for The Collaboration (2) project. His remix credits are many and include: Depeche Mode, Madonna, Seal, Funky Green Dogs, Kylie Minogue, etc.

On April 17, 2013, it was made public that Rauhofer was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A message was posted on his Facebook page by his friend and manager, Angelo Russo, informing friends and fans of the situation. On May 7, 2013, Peter Rauhofer passed away.
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Inscription: 04 Oct 2001, 20:06

Re: Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved (Peter Rauhofer Remix)

Messagepar DMfanTrade » 20 Juil 2024, 09:34

version éditée :( le remix original fait 9'15 min ;)

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Inscription: 29 Sep 2017, 09:34

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