Tickets Jun 24th Stade De France (2)

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Tickets Jun 24th Stade De France (2)

Messagepar absolutDM! » 02 Avr 2023, 21:06

Hi Everyone,

Apologies, this is written in English. I am from Canada.

I have two tickets for the June 24th DM concert (PREVENTE PELOUSE PLACEMENT A). I think these are floor seats. I bought them thinking I may go to Paris to see them - longtime dream! However that is not happening.

But I am seeing them next week in Quebec with my wife - Happy to be going and to be alive as I had a massive blood clot and internal bleeding over the past two months! I was actually told I was a dead man walking by some crappy Doctor, but happily I got the all clear from my specialist doctor on the day the new album came out. Songs of our life right - along with a massive amount of tears while I listened that night! And I also am seeing them in November in Edmonton with my children and wife where I live.

As you likely can tell, I am a longtime and massive fan of Depeche and indoctrinated my daughters very well on being a part of the black masses/devotees.

The 2 tickets I have in France, I need to get rid of. And I truly want someone to have them who is in need, who has never seen them and is a massive fan.

And if you've read this far, they are being given away free - as long as I can figure out how to transfer them!

I am hoping someone knows of someone, a young child perhaps with a single parent who loves them. I trust we are all good people here and these tickets will get in the hands of someone special and make a difference in their life for the better.

I think I have set things up correct on this site and I will receive messages. If not, let me know! And as for who gets them, tell me your story, or someone's story briefly and I'll decide in a week or so time who gets them. And then figure out the transfer of them!

All the best to everyone!
Messages: 1
Inscription: 02 Avr 2023, 20:37

Re: Tickets Jun 24th Stade De France (2)

Messagepar God is laughing » 02 Avr 2023, 22:45

I am very interested in your tickets.
I am looking for two standing tickets for my girl's friend and me.
Could you send me message on my private mail : ?
22/06/23 LILLE - 24/06/23 PARIS - 04/07/23 BORDEAUX - 03/03/24 PARIS - 05/03/24 PARIS- 08/04/24 COLOGNE
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Re: Tickets Jun 24th Stade De France (2)

Messagepar BlackBeannie » 21 Avr 2023, 21:43

Hello,I am a bit late... but I take my chance... is Santa still spreading happiness through your action with Depeche Mode tickets for the gig in Paris?
If so I would be so proud to bring my two daughters to their first concert and at last see DM with me..the way I love them for more than 38 years now... feel what I feel about them. Let me know please. Enjoy your better health coming and the shows you'll attend with your family too.
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Re: Tickets Jun 24th Stade De France (2)

Messagepar violator1975 » 29 Avr 2023, 07:44

Hallo. I have for sale 2 Ticket for Paris - Pelouse Or Debout (golden )
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Inscription: 29 Avr 2023, 07:35

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