2023-10-12 - Kaseya Center, Miami, FL, USA

Memento Mori Tour

2023-10-12 - Kaseya Center, Miami, FL, USA

Messagepar DELTA FORCE 70 » 06 Mai 2024, 13:18

DF70 : Dispo sur le wiki (16/44) /(24/48) Source 3 : https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/2023-10-12_Kas ... A/Source_3
Depeche Mode - 2023-10-12 - Kaseya Center, Miami, FL, USA
Lineage: Shure Motiv MV88 microphone (60 degree setting) -> ShurePlus MOTIV mobile recording app (24/48)
-> iPhone 13 mini -> WAV (24/48) -> in Reaper: normalize, EQ, limiter -> in Audacity: track splits, fade out -> FLAC level 8 (24/48)
Taper: taperanonymous
Taping location: one section to the right of the soundboard in the front row on the railing, with phone placed in cup holder
Notes: A very good audience recording with almost zero crowd noise for the majority of the concert
until a loud group of audience members relocate near the taper for the last third of the concert.
The beginning of the intro is incomplete. Here are the taper's notes:
Track list:
01. [1:48] Intro (Speak To Me)
02. [5:11] My Cosmos Is Mine
03. [3:43] Wagging Tongue
04. [6:47] Walking In My Shoes
05. [5:10] It's No Good
06. [5:50] Sister Of Night
07. [5:08] In Your Room
08. [6:59] Everything Counts
09. [5:19] Precious
10. [4:14] My Favourite Stranger
11. [4:25] A Question Of Lust (*)
12. [4:24] Strangelove (*)
13. [4:07] Ghosts Again
14. [5:29] I Feel You
15. [4:29] A Pain That I'm Used To
16. [5:16] World In My Eyes
17. [4:18] Wrong
18. [5:19] Stripped
19. [4:04] John The Revelator
20. [11:31] Enjoy The Silence
21. [3:54] Condemnation
22. [6:08] Just Can't Get Enough
23. [6:34] Never Let Me Down Again
24. [10:37] Personal Jesus
Total time: 2:10:44
DELTAFORCE70 ForTheMasses - https://soundcloud.com/deltaforce70
"La musique nous rend plus forts".
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