T2 : Trainspotting

Les arts autres que la musique : cinéma, littérature, expositions, etc.

T2 : Trainspotting

Messagepar STUMM101 » 16 Jan 2017, 12:54


Sortie de T2 : Trainspotting le 1er mars 2017 !!!!


Et la bande-son :
01. Iggy Pop - Lust for Life (The Prodigy Remix)
02. High Contrast - Shotgun Mouthwash
03. Wolf Alice - Silk
04. Young Fathers - Get Up
05. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax
06. Underworld /Ewen Bremner - Eventually But
07. Young Fathers - Only God Knows
08. The Rubberbandits - Dad's Best Friend
09. Blondie - Dreaming
10. Queen - Radio Ga Ga
11. Run D.M.C. vs. Jason Nevis - It's Like That
12. The Clash - (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais
13. Young Fathers - Rain or Shine
14. Fat White Family - Whitest Boy on the Beach
15. Underworld - Slow Slippy

STUMM "1,000 years from now there will be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me. " 101
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