avril 2009 (20)

mardi, avril 28 2009

Résultat du concours Lays


Résultat du concours d'avril 2009 pour gagner un exemplaire du livre Lays dédicacé par l'auteur Jugurtha Harchaoui. La question était la suivante : Aujourd'hui David Gahan écrit 3 chansons par album. Mais en 1995, lorsqu'il a proposé sa toute première composition, intitulée The Ocean Song, Martin  […]

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lundi, avril 27 2009

Paroles et traduction de In Chains

The way you move Has got me yearning The way you move Has left me burning I know you know what you're doing to me I know my hands will never be free I know what it's like to be In chains The way you move Is meant to haunt me The way you move To tempt and taunt me I know you knew on the day you were  […]

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dimanche, avril 26 2009

Paroles et traduction de Oh Well

Paroles et traduction de Oh well Oh you’ve got a way about you Oh I know so much about you Girl Life won’t be the same without you Life will surely be the one to tell Listen to what she’s trying to tell you She could be the one who’s going to save you Oh well Oh well Life won’t be the same without  […]

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Paroles et traduction de The sun and the moon and the stars

The sun and the moon and the stars One subtle look God help me Is all it took To sell me One single word Unspoken Your name unheard And I’m broken The sun and the moon And the stars in the sky are laughing They’ve seen it all before For the wind in the trees And the waves on the seas It’s the same  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Light

Take my hand And walk in the light Understand, there’s a fire to ignite You know we have a responsibility It’s true we’ve be chosen And now we have the possibility Of melting what’s frozen Walk with me the rapture inside Can’t you see it’s not our place to decide You know we have to make a case for  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Corrupt

I could corrupt you In a heartbeat You think you're so special Think you're so sweet What are you trying Don't even tempt me Soon you'll be crying I wish you'd dreamt me You'll be calling out my name When you need someone to blame I could corrupt you It will be easy Watching you suffer Girl, it  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Jezebel

They call you Jezebel Whenever we walk in you're going straight to hell For wanton acts of sin they say and that I'll have to pay But I need you just this way They call you Jezebel For what you like to wear You're morally unwell They say you never care for me But what the fail to see is that your  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Miles Away / The Truth is

It's one of those conversations we've, we've had them before The ones that leave you empty and wanting for more Your eyes they tell me something that I understand Your eyes they hold the truth and the truth is You're miles away Excuse me for my hesitation I've, I've met you before Your face seems so  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Come Back

Come back, come back to me I've been waiting, patiently Come back, come back to me I've been waiting here patiently Walking a thin white line between love and hate Wasting all of my time in another world, in another place I could use a little company A little kindness could go a long way Weeks turn  […]

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Paroles et traduction de In Sympathy

they're almost falling over you why don't they call a truce what ever they are trying to do its of little use they're drowning you in compliments trying to furnish proof although they speak with eloquence there is little truth you're bright, you're strong, you know the right from wrong at least to  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Little Soul

My little light Is going to shine Shine out so bright And illuminate your mind My little soul will leave a footprint This little voice Is going to sing I have no choice It will infinitely ring My little soul will leave a footprint I’m channeling the universe That’s focusing itself inside of me A  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Fragile Tension

There's a fragile tension, That's keeping us going It may not last forever, But oh well it's blowing There's something magical in the air Something so tragic we had to care There's a strange obsession, That's drawing us nearer We don't understand it It never gets clearer There's something mystical  […]

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Paroles et traduction de Hole to feed

We are here, we can love We share something I’m sure that you’ll mean the world to me Your name was the one that was always chosen Your words and the kindness have set me free Shame as a hold that has kept us frozen You open my eyes to a world that I could believe Words can leave you broken inside  […]

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jeudi, avril 23 2009

Paroles et traduction de Ghost - Le spectre

I'm the ghost in your house Calling your name My memory lingers You'll never be the same I'm the hole in your heart I'm the stain in your bed The phantom in your fingers The voices in your head One touch is all it took To draw you in To leave you hooked One kiss, you paid the price You had a taste  […]

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mardi, avril 21 2009

Sounds of the Universe coffret collector au plus bas prix

Coffret SOTU

Le prix le moins chère pour la box promo de Sounds of the Universe est actuellement 57,80 € chez Amazon, frais de port inclus. Si vous trouvez moins chers, n'hésitez pas à signaler par des liens dans les commentaires ci-dessous. Contenu du coffret Sounds of the Universe : Disque 1 Sounds of the  […]

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lundi, avril 20 2009

J.G. Ballard, l'auteur de Crash, la foire aux atrocités...

JG Ballard

L'écrivain britannique James Graham Ballard s'est éteint le dimanche 19 avril 2009. Pendant les années 1970 il va écrire des romans qui auront une grande influence sur de jeunes artistes en devenir : Il rédige ainsi la Foire aux atrocités, et une trilogie autour du béton avec Crash !, Concrete  […]

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Concours Wrong dédicacé : les résultats


Vous avez été 132 à répondre aux questions du concours Wrong dont voici les réponses : Question 1 : Wrong est chanté par Dave Gahan Question 2 : Le clip de Wrong a été réalisé par Patrick Daughters Question 3 : Sounds of the Universe est le 12eme album studio de Depeche Mode Question 4 : Sur Sounds  […]

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dimanche, avril 19 2009

Concours Lays - traductions de Jugurtha Harchaoui


Participez au concours pour gagner un exemplaire du livre de Jugurtha Harchaoui, Lays - traductions de Jugurtha Harchaoui. Pour tenter de gagner un exemplaire du livre dédicacé par l'auteur et accompagné de sa slipcase promo (exemplaire unique), répondez à la question suivante : Aujourd'hui David  […]

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mercredi, avril 8 2009

Concours Wrong RCDBONG40 : gagnez un single dédicacé par Dave, Martin et Andy

Concours Wrong

Le single Wrong sort cette semaine dans le commerce. A cette occasion, French Violation vous propose de gagner des singles promo dédicacés par les 3 membres de Depeche Mode. Pour participer à ce concours et gagner un des 5 CD singles dédicacés, complétez les 4 phrases suivantes : Les questions du  […]

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vendredi, avril 3 2009

Concours : soirée de lancement "Sounds of the Universe"


Quelques jours avant la sortie mondiale du nouvel album de Depeche Mode "Sounds of the Universe" , EMI Music organise une grande soirée consacrée au groupe au cours de laquelle vous pourrez notamment écouter l'album en avant-première ! Également au programme : des suprises et des  […]

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